If you have been diagnosed with allergies or intolerances by a doctor or health practitioner, you may be experiencing a wide range of symptoms.
This causes swelling and inflammation of the joints, which can be become very painful and can restrict movement considerably.
Asthma causes difficulties in breathing due to a restriction of their airways. These become swollen and start to produce mucus, leading to wheezing, coughing and a tight feeling in the chest. This can be extremely serious and needs to be monitored carefully by your doctor.
This happens when the body retains fluid, causing bloating particularly around the stomach area.
An auto-immune disease which is triggered by gluten, the symptoms are numerous, and can be very severe. They include bloating, bowel problems, nausea, fatigue, headaches, skin problems and depression. Some of the symptoms can be confused with IBS which often makes it hard to diagnose.
This happens when the skin comes into contact with something which it reacts to. It flares up and can spread onto other parts of the skin.
Characterized by dry, inflamed, itchy skin, eczema can appear on any part of the body. When scratched, the area can become infected.
This is possibly the most controversial symptom associated with allergies and intolerances: and is still not recognised by all the medical professions. It may be diagnosed as depression or stress instead. If CFS (also called CIFDS) is diagnosed, it is often in conjunction with other allergy/intolerance symptoms such as asthma, hay fever or eczema, as well as other problems such as fibromyalgia (aches and pains in the muscles) and chemical sensitivity.
This can also be known as a combination of Allergic Conjunctivitis and Allergic Rhinitis. When Allergic Conjunctivitis happens, the eyelids become swollen and painful, the eyes itch and may appear bloodshot and produce tears. Whereas Allergic Rhinitis causes the lining of the nose to become inflamed, leading to a runny nose, sneezing and itchiness. Often these are thought to be produced by a reaction to inhalants, such as pollens, moulds, the dander from pets and dustmites.
Pain and throbbing in the head are normally categorised as headaches – and when they become debilitatingly painful, these are usually known as migraines. There are other warning symptoms which characterize a migraine, including a disturbance in vision, an increased sensitivity to smell and sound, and perhaps tingling sensations in the body. The pain is often allied to nausea and perhaps vomiting.
When the problem is fairly mild, this is often seen as hyperactivity, but when it becomes severe it is usually diagnosed as Attention Deficity Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Characterised by problems concentrating and a tendency to be hyperactive.
IBS can be extremely uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Symptoms include bloating, pain in your abdomen, diahorrea, constipation and recurrent thrush infections.
This can cause red bumps to appear on the skin – and often these become large red areas. These are extremely itchy and can sometimes be quite painful.